Space Clouds

Christmas is here!

It’s finally here!

All things are a go in the universe for Christmas. Lapland has appeared, Astro-Santa is giving gifts in Earthforce Space and Sol has been donned it’s santa hat, unfortunately it brings with it that reject of a Grinch roaming Perilous Space in a pair once again.

A slight change of plan

Due to requiring a patch to add this years christmas letters from the competition and there’s no one to do it right now, I’ve pushed ahead with the main event, using last years letter’s. These will be replaced soon, and the missions will change when they do. To remind you, last year’s winners were:

  • epicninja
  • Tom Daedalus
  • reaper pride
  • Platinum
  • AfriendlyCanadian

Once this year’s winners have been picked, things will be sorted for their letters to go live and I’ll update this post with the winners

That’s it, so from everyone at Star Sonata, Merry Christmas! Have fun!

This Is Halloween!

Halloween is here!

The festivities started last night, with all the usual tricks and treats we have.

Unfortunately I have to apologize for the lack of daily missions; recent events have proved difficult in getting time to do them.
However, don’t forget about our competition, with only four days left! Now is the perfect time to buy your pumpkin for the pumpking carving competition!

Due to the rollback on Tuesday; this years halloween event will be extended by a day. The end date is Tuesday 11th November, 17:00 server time.


Everyone Hail to the Pumpkin Song!

Summer’s gone and Winter is coming, the leaves are turning brown, there are conkers to be found, the nights are drawing in and the kids have recently gone back to school. All of this can only mean one thing…

Halloween is soon! As such, it’s about time we got a competition going. This year’s competition is gunna be a bit different to any we’ve had before so listen (or read) carefully for the instructions; because you’ll be carving pumpkins!

You will (probably) need the following:

  • A pumpkin (which unfortunately will have to be bought, unless you grow pumpkins).
  • A sharp cutting implement, like a knife (youngsters should have adult supervision for this — We’re not responsible if you slice yourself open).
  • A light producing device, such as a candle, to sit inside your pumpkin.
  • A camera to take a picture of your creation.
  • And anything else you feel like adding.

Five winners will be picked from the entrants the weekend of the 31st and will be given the following:

  • A permament and neurobound holoprojector; unique to this competition.
  • 5 of each Undead Miner.
  • 5 of each Bite tweak.
  • 5 Pumpkin Shards.
  • A collection of temporary holoprojectors and sound projectors.


  • Competition start: 30th September (12 noon server time).
  • Entry deadline: 31st October (12 noon server time).
  • Winner’s announcement: 31st October (or later that weekend).

Rules & Judging:

  • Entries should be posted to the forum thread (link is at the bottom) before the end date.
  • The submissions will be judged on execution, creative design and of course, bonus points for Star Sonata themes.
  • Your pumpkin must be original work belonging to you; if found otherwise you may be disqualified.
  • Your photographs of your submission must have a sign with the account name (or main character) you are using to post as part of the photograph.

When you submit your entry, make sure you have good picture(s) of it. You can take multiple pictures of your submission; if your pumpkin is to be lit inside, pictures of it lit in the dark and a picture of it unlit in the light would probably be a good idea.

It’s happening again! (Uni Reset)

With Bageese no longer with the development team, Suit felt like something was missing. He went on a search on how he could stop this, but had no idea. He finally decided he could no longer bear this, and contacted the Lyceum scientists to try and go back in time.

Long story short, something went wrong with the black hole generator and the universe as we know is going to end.  They are unsure how long they can hold the black hole generator from spinning out of control, but they predict that it will swallow the entire universe saturday the 11th of October at 1PM Eastern Time. Hopefully the almighty adum will be generous and will be able to re-create everything, so the server should be back up shortly.

If this is your first universe reset, click here for a guide!

IT’S THE END OF THE WORLD… as we know it. (Uni Reset)

It’s that time of year again, the aliens have invaded, the colonies are getting stagnant and base managers are getting antsy to micromanagement new multi star systems. It’s time for the universe TO END! *enter dramatic music here*

But don’t worry, it will be rebuilt anew!

The server will be going down at 1:00pm EST on Saturday June 21st for approximately 30 minutes.

Don’t know what a universe reset is? Check out this handy guide to be prepared for THE END OF THE WORLD!

Easter 2014

Well, the time is here. Astro-Bunny has finalized preparing all his Easter goodies and has entered our universe. As usual, Astro-Bunny has set up shop in Easter Warren, located off Earthforce Celestial Garden Outpost and his Egg Boxes and Resurrected Rats roam the universe.


This year includes a new chain of missions like the 12 Days of Christmas missions, which start on the 15th and a few other bits and pieces.

The winners of the competition (link) will be announced later.


Lastly, Happy Easter from the Star Sonata Development Team!

Star Sonata and Heartbleed

I’ve just received the all clear from Jey regarding the infamous Heartbleed exploit! The live server was somewhat affected by heartbleed, and the website was never affected by Heartbleed. We definitely suggest that you change your password to be on the safe side. Due to the nature of the exploit, It is also recommended that you wait to change ANY passwords until you get a notification that the website or service has updated to fix the exploit. You may now change your Star Sonata password safely,  but please check other websites you use before you change those passwords!

For more information about heartbleed check out these links. (note that Star Sonata is not responsible for content you may find on other websites)

Free to Play level cap removed!

We’re very pleased to announce that we’re removing the level cap restriction on Free to play players! We’ve been doing a lot of research into Free to play games recently and what works, and what doesn’t. We felt the level cap was an unneeded restriction that ultimately served no real purpose. Since Star Sonata is very skill based and many P2P’s never even hit 2000 the idea of a level restriction seemed very silly.

With that we also wanted to congratulate the existing F2P characters that actually made it to 2000: Stereotyp1, MDK, Sk1rm1sh. Thanks guys for playing!

So to all our free to plays out there, have fun without the level cap!

Universe Reset February 22

“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”

The universe as we know it is going kaput on February 22nd at 1:00pm EST.

We expect the server to be back online around 1:30pm EST, but that is an estimate. It can occur before or after that time.

If you don’t know what a universe reset is, check out this handy guide for more info.

Star Sonata 2 now accepts Bitcoin & Testing Contest!

For years we’ve gotten so many requests to accept various currencies from across the world and haven’t been able to accommodate all players that wanted to play. We’ve been following the bitcoin trend closely for the past year and we’re proud to announce that we’re accepting bitcoins for payments for subscriptions and services like augmenter resets, and item forms! You can find out more information about bitcoin here.

And while we’re on the subject of news I’m officially beginning the class rebalance testing phase WITH PRIZES! The top five contributors to testing will get CUSTOM SHIP SKINS for the ship of their choice (much like the beta contest). All the juicy details are available over at the newly created testing forum.

And here’s a preview of the trophy ship! It is much win. wow.
