Space Clouds

Global XP Boosts

A new feature that I’ve just finished coding is a global XP boost item type. Each of these items will bestow a certain amount of bonus XP to the universe for a certain amount of time. The most common ones that you will see will give +5% XP to all players for 30 minutes.

Global XP Boost Powerup

Each account can only have one XP boost active at a time, but as many people who want can theorectically activate simultaneous XP boosts which are additive with each other, and multiplicitive with any other XP bonuses, such as bonus XP from a weekend event. So if 4 players manage to trigger XP boosts simultaneously, then every player in the game will get +20% XP for the duration.

Whenever anyone triggers an XP boost, a message is sent to all players in the event text so they know that the XP boost has commenced. In addition, when you log in, it will tell you the current amount of XP boost, and which players have caused it.

Global XP Boost Scoop Text

To start with, there will be two sources of global XP boosts available, called “Pan-Universal Neural Plasticizer” and “Pan-Universal Neural Artificial Plasticizer”. The first will be generated by a power up spawner randomly placed somewhere in Perilous Space, and it will change galaxies every time it spawns. It is use-on-scoop, so no storing up a ton of them, and will be kind of an easter egg hunt to find it. The second will be tech 10, available in Free Market, and require 1 Space Point to trigger. Remember that this gives bonus XP to every player in the game, so it’s not “pay to win”, but maybe gives you something to spend that extra Space Point on that you have sitting around from verifying your email address.

This should be going into the game sometime after the next major patch. I’ll have to manually add them in after a patch, so there will be some delay.

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