Space Clouds

Teams Ranked By

  • Team Score

    Combined team score.

  • Stations

    Derived from the tech levels of a team's bases. High-tech bases are much more valuable than low-tech bases.

  • Trading

    Total trade volume between a team's bases and AI bases. The value of items bought from AI is divided by 8. This score decays over time.

  • Loyalty

    Loyalty points are built up over time from activity points. When a member leaves, the team loses a fraction of its loyalty points. This score decays over time.

  • Ownership

    The number of galaxies owned by a team.

  • Population

    Total population of all colonies with team bases on them.

  • Mining

    Total value of scooped mined goods, based on server prices. Fermium is worth significantly more than other mineable commodities. This score decays over time.

  • Deadliness

    Accumulated levels of AI killed by team members. Kills from a userbase or permanent drone do not count. This score decays over time.

  • Activity

    Activity points are awarded for being online, chatting, killing AI, scooping debris and warping between galaxies. This score decays over time.

  • Experience

    One point is gained every time a team member levels up. This score decays over time.

  • Production

    The total value of any build that finishes on a team owned station. For built items, the server adds up the value of all items from their BP. This score decays over time.

Scoreboard updated Apr-28 at 11:53 (5 hours 15 minutes ago).

Team 24H Gain
1 st
led by Drag00n
2 nd
led by Chrysos
3 rd 1
led by Tornado
4 th 1
led by ERMAN
5 th
led by Kaecee
6 th
led by Zavior
7 th 3
led by Tongo288
8 th 1
led by WoollyThePoo
9 th 1
led by goldstar-stations
10 th 3
led by TUGEYES
11 th 5
led by cartoonicus
12 th 7
led by Noob Is Nothing
13 th
led by Claire
14 th
led by Monty Crabapple
15 th
led by Head Shot
16 th
led by NCC 01
17 th
led by Ransom
18 th
led by ThePoke
19 th
led by Hachiman
20 th
led by Silk
21 st
led by Rx7
22 nd
led by Pilgrim
23 rd
led by Toronto
24 th
led by shadoWarbird
25 th
led by Panacea
26 th
led by MasterBate
27 th
led by Alphist
28 th
led by Exobot
29 th
led by Mishanti
30 th
led by Achtwo
31 st
led by Battle Bus
32 nd
led by Got_Wood
33 rd
led by Tobal
34 th
led by g1
35 th
led by goofy
36 th
led by Chardagger5
37 th
led by JustJuice
38 th
led by Tiger_Tiger
39 th
led by Boo
40 th
led by Poseidons seamen