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By shashu


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Zen skills and level requirements

With the whole meta changing in SS to involve Zen skills people now have to level more than ever and reach new highs of levels. This is extremely daunting as a new player when you see that you need to be lvl 5000+ to be competitive against all of the legacy players. With the addition of Zen of Devices that is 9 Zen Skills not including NT which is a total of 7070 levels just to max those which is out right absurd and the admins fix to this is "Get it to 50 you'll be fine". This is not acceptable since you'll be at half the capabilities of the other guy who has been around for years and plays 24/7 compared to your meagre 3 hours a day around your real life. I propose that all Zen skills are capped at 50 like neurotweaking has been but double their values to off set this. This allows admins to bring more zen skills into SS for more custom playstyles without creating the need to reach astronomical levels.

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bipolar_juice 3 years ago 3
No comment.
komek+ 3 years ago 3
No comment.
goofy 3 years ago 2
No comment.
tobang 3 years ago 3
Stop punishing new players for being new
DarkSteel 3 years ago 2
Raising the ceiling is not the solution, devs. Past a certain point it is OK for your character to have enough SP combat wise. After that levels are either utlity or cosmetics.