Space Clouds
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By saran

ui, mc, market, checker, check

Epic (nobody knows how long)


Implementation underway.

Updated/completed Wiki

So we have a wiki, the guides/tutorial button in game links to it but it is incomplete and outdated. This leaves new players with incomplete tutorial guides and does our devs and playerbase a disservice. A completed wiki with up to date game gear data allows a lot of flexibility for both devs and players new and old to contribute. To summarize: 1. up to date gear listings allow new players to set definable goals for training skills and leveling. 2. allows new and old players to read a bit ahead and figure out things they have either never come across before or forgot. 3. encourages players who are testing for devs prior to patches to find broken or exploitable content. the more you can see the easier it is to test. 4. gives players a way to find more content to play and use, there is a LOT of varied content for different levels of play that isn't necessarily obvious in game. 5. allows players to more easily deduct what items they want to build and what it will take to accomplish this on their bases. we have ways of seeing the stats of gear using the /mc command in game. but this is not always efficient or conducive to creative or evolving ship setups and gameplay. Something that uploads item stats to the wiki to keep it updated and a polish to the unfinished tutorial and informational sections should set it right and not make us look terrible when new players try to join us to play. I definitely hope the steam release has brought us some new blood but we lack a lot of spit and polish in this area that could help us get and retain players.

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truls2 3 years ago 3
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zeuss 3 years ago 3
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paxian48 3 years ago 3
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saran 3 years ago 1
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splatt 3 years ago 1
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saran 3 years ago 2
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yoko_kurama 3 years ago 3
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