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By it1

ui, performance

Difficulty not estimated


Implementation not started.

Target Nearest Enemy Key Command

Endgame PVP is often fast paced and intense. Currently we have various options to cycle through targets of various type's however there is a shortfall in this which is targeting enemies after you have already selected something else say like a friendly player that you may be healing. For direct combat based classes this poses an issue when trying to quickly deselect and subsequently select another target such as a seer which may have just revealed itself to you and is now shooting at you when you were shooting at some other target. Additionally when the game is heavily lagging such as massive BVB events or other runs in which clients tend to experience major lag one can often miss the opportunity to target and immediate nearby enemy before they disappear either from running or going invisible (or end up being killed before the user has a chance to attack them) which overall decreases player participation in major events that are core to the star sonata player experience. As such I propose the addition of a new key binding which when pressed immediately targets the enemy closes to you. This command will be most useful for classes which fight away from the large clusters of actions such as seer's and speed demon's. It will provide an overall quality of life improvement in what tends to be fast paced pvp action and even pve action in which seconds matter.

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pxnkerton 3 years ago 1
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loid 3 years ago 1
logan123yeaaah 3 years ago 1
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panzeriv 3 years ago 3
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jeroen07007 3 years ago 3
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it1 3 years ago 3
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saran 3 years ago 2
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saran 3 years ago 1
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penor9 3 years ago 1
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species 8472 3 years ago 3
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carlos12 3 years ago 3
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