Space Clouds
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By waffleman

inventory, ui, tsl, ships, qol, bases

Difficulty not estimated


Implementation not started.

Rework Ship/Base Inventory Slots

In most mmo's or rpg's if you have a weapon in storage and you want to swap it with your current weapon all you have to do is drag it onto your current weapon. In star sonata, doing this will drag the entire stack, unequipped. Then you have to equip the weapon, then select the extras and your old weapon, then put them into storage. Or, alternatively, you have to use 'tranfer some' to split the stack, then equip the weapon, then put the old weapon into storage. I propose that dragging a piece of gear from a ship/tsl/base onto it's corresponding slot in another ship will automatically swap that gear and equip it. -If there are extras, they stay in storage. -If there is nothing equipped in the slot already, it just equips -If you drag it anywhere else (lets say you drag a weapon onto a charger slot), the entire stack goes into your inventory as normal, unequipped.

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godsteel 3 years ago 1
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