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By max235


Difficulty not estimated


Implementation not started.

Make a T20 difficulty Rattie Moe boss for Positronic Brains

Make a Medium-difficulty Undead Rattie Moe boss that drops rat-themed gear including Positronic Brains for Particle/Sing/Quantum Brakes, Zat Rat Broodmother augs and energies, and a 1% chance for a crate containing a Mega Moe Token. Instanced or not instanced. Tech 20 boss strength, somewhere between Anthos and Drake. Original reason for suggestion is requiring a Tech 3 combat ship to get an item used in making T16, T20, and T22 items (the brakes) because Nexus is limited to Tech 3 at most and you need to go through there to get to Rattie Moe.

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