Space Clouds
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By the insane

prospecting, content

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Improve the Prospecting System

Currently prospecting in general, but acutely in KD takes too long and is too expensive for the reward gained. Having discussed this at length within the community, I would like to propose that the number of nodes are increased with an instant re-spawn when depleted. For example, there would be between 5 or 10 Bindomite nodes with between 10 - 30 Bindomite (illustrative numbers) in each across the entirety of KD (east and West). When one node is found and prospected, it instantly spawns elsewhere in KD. Same applies for Subspace, etc... Currently, there is so little Bindomite (for example) that it has enabled an end-game player to buy up the entire market and price-fix to 1.7b per. I don't feel this is in the best interests of the game.

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splatt 3 years ago 1
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grimer 3 years ago 1
its not right anyone should spent 40hrs a week prospecting to recieve nothing sometimes
loid 3 years ago 1
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logan123yeaaah 3 years ago 1
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prototype13666 3 years ago 1
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bontague 3 years ago 1
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anti28 3 years ago 3
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mashach 3 years ago 3
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jack92783 3 years ago 2
Too feast or famine. A single combonite planet is good for 40 bill profit. Make that 5 bill (25 combo max size) instead and increase respawn rates 8x instead.
sabre198 3 years ago 1
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bradscar 3 years ago 1
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hellspreader 3 years ago 3
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bon3r 3 years ago 1
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rclift124 3 years ago 1
I agree it should be improved but feel like this could involve small groups being able to camp a full level of space, maybe an improvement to some scanners, that may show commods within a certain jump distance from where currently are but not specific locations
the insane 3 years ago 3
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ferengi 3 years ago 1
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grimer 3 years ago 2
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panzeriv 3 years ago 3
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jthomas85 3 years ago 3
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bjplague 3 years ago 1
instant respawn will crash the market and make everything worthless. no point prospecting anymore. this would kill many ascpects of the economy as many prospectable commods are also base mined.
godsteel 3 years ago 1
Just to add my 3 cents to prospecting. I think that one of the problems of prospecting is that it's monopolized by a few very specialized players and insta node respawn will not address that problem. Maybe to scale prospecting with player base and fix monopolization at the same time, the nodes should be generated for individual player and not globally for the universe. I put this idea together this minute, so it might be utter shit, but consider this proposition: 1) Each player has a daily cap which indicates his chances on successful prospecting 2) When player runs galaxy prospect scan, game will randomly generates nodes in the gal given his prospecting cap, galaxy danger factor etc. 3) Galaxy can be prospected only once a day by given character (separate prospecting lockouts) 4) Scanning reduces the cap so number of resources which can be acquired in a day is limited. Cap is refreshed every day, so proactive daily scanning is rewarded. 5) Generated nodes can be extracted by other players - in other words stolen. Introduces soft economic PvP.
godsteel 3 years ago 1
Just to add my 3 cents to prospecting. I think that one of the problems of prospecting is that it's monopolized by a few very specialized players and insta node respawn will not address that problem. Maybe to scale prospecting with player base and fix monopolization at the same time, the nodes should be generated for individual player and not globally for the universe. I put this idea together this minute, so it might be utter shit, but consider this proposition: 1) Each player has a daily cap which indicates his chances on successful prospecting 2) When player runs galaxy prospect scan, game will randomly generates nodes in the gal given his prospecting cap, galaxy danger factor etc. 3) Galaxy can be prospected only once a day by given character (separate prospecting lockouts) 4) Scanning reduces the cap so number of resources which can be acquired in a day is limited. Cap is refreshed every day, so proactive daily scanning is rewarded. 5) Generated nodes can be extracted by other players - in other words stolen. Introduces soft economic PvP.
mashach2 3 years ago 3
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dude6 3 years ago 3
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lrellok 3 years ago 1
I would be fine with a decrease in the number of node so long as they instantly respawn. Too often there are simply no node anywhere too be found.
hiii 3 years ago 3
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happy cat 3 years ago 1
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slmaxg 3 years ago 1
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sodapop 3 years ago 3
Either improve prospecting or make prospecting commods available elsewhere.
dreadlordnaf 3 years ago 1
Improve it yes, but not sure the method. Spawn rate could probably be adjusted to scale based on the average amount of people logged in the prior hour... Also I would like some rare uber prospects, where a miniboss pops out of the planet you trying to prospect to add some variation, but with increased prospect find etc.
kytrarewn 3 years ago 3
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