Space Clouds
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By waffleman

ui, qol, gameplay, bvb

Difficulty not estimated


Implementation not started.

Control Groups and Hotkeys for Base Thrusters, etc

tl;dr: take the best parts of unit management from RTS games and apply them to bases. Allow bases to be control-grouped and give keyboard commands for enabling and disabling thrusters, pulses/beams, etc. While I'm sure we all enjoy watching people dock in dozens of kits to enable and disable thrusters for several hours, I think we could probably improve ss gameplay by replacing this 'dock and click simulator' minigame with something more interesting. Just imagine if you could control group all your dps kits separately from hps kits and could easily change the thrusters on each group with just 2-3 clicks... We're halfway there already with RTS select and the 'x' menu is our equivalent of the 'command card' from RTS games.

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matthewmcguirej1 3 years ago 1
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