Space Clouds

Server/Client Patch 09.26.2019

* Big nerf to the zebucart boss’s dph and slight buff to rof
* Added some permanent versions of holiday holoprojectors to Friedman in Free Market. They will cost 50 temp holos to buy, and 5 spacepoints to unpack.
* All Torpedoes have had Base Recoil reduced by (Meaning less damage per individual shot, because the weapon fires faster), and maximum speed reduced. Some Torpedoes have had increases/decreases to Range and Tracking (With Thorax’s/Clenches having a reduction to Range and an increase in Tracking). Rockets have had their Engine Delay increased significantly and their turning reduced.
* Reduced the offensive power, DPE and increased the Engine Delay. Adjusted the tracking, and speed of all Torpedoes.
* Drones no longer count as bases for the purposes of determining amount of bvb bases available
* Cybernetic Cruiser (and the Fighters launched by the Cruiser and the Battleship) buffed.
* Lunarian Avenger damage increased.
* Cybernetic Bartholomew should no longer run out of electricity.
* Cybernetic Interceptors do much more damage and are a bit more resilient.
* Twisted Zone bosses now drop Kalthi Depths loot.
* Twisted Nikola’s Leech Charge Drone and Twisted Nikola’s Condemnation Drone have been nerfed.
* Typo fix for the Station Dampener+ Blueprint Pack
* Give generated +weapons +5% range
* Make generated size variations of weapons that are small get bonus DPE, while larger ones have bonus DPS
* Allow lasers to have automatically generated plus and size variations
* Slight tweaks to many lasers stats. Recoils now automatically calculated from tech and size classes. Some reclassifications of rarity on tech 22 lasers. Impact effects of lasers standardized. Parasite damages of lasers standardized to the new formula. Plus and “micro”, “oversized”, etc, lasers now automatically generated by code rather than manually created in the sheets. Aug stats on lasers now make the lasers bigger rather than making them less powerful. Self-Damaging lasers now correctly get DPS increases. Ranges standardized into new formulas. Some new lasers added as exotic, very rare drops.
* Laser’s have been given more appropriate rarities. Many laser beams have also had their stats changed to encourage using a wider variety of weapons.
* Increased the difficulty of most Kalthi Depths mobs.
* Fix for an issue causing some players to not have maps.