Space Clouds

Universe Reset May 23rd 2020

The researchers at Lyceum have nervously announced that, during some routine maintenance at the Engineer’s Workshop, someone accidentally tipped over the Self-Accelerating-Universe-Cruncher, and the universe as we know it will come to an end.

The engineering school graduate that made the device had a nasty run-in with hungry space urchins, the brightest minds in Lyceum can’t figure out how to turn it off, and everyone else is too afraid to try.

2020 reset 1

Scientists have sealed the device in an old storage closet, but a display on the screen of the device says ‘MAY 23’. Presumably, on that date it will crunch this universe, and — if luck holds — spit out a remarkably similar one.

Lyceum warns pilots to pack up their bases and remove the credits on their trade bots to ensure that they make it safely into the new universe!

The universe reset will be held on Saturday, May 23rd.
BST: 18:00
EDT: 13:00
CDT: 12:00
MDT: 11:00
PDT: 10:00