Space Clouds

The Aliens Invaded!!! Universe Reset Announcement


Subspace has been stirred…

Defenders have reported a dangerous increase in hostile alien activity! Could this hostility be a feint to hide an even more nefarious plot? It is according to the Lyceum! A report recently released by top researchers claims the aliens are destabilizing the anomalies scattered throughout their sectors. This report further theorizes that should this activity be left unchecked, our universe will see increasing levels of gravimetric flux! Although graviton theory is still in its infancy, preliminary research has led the team of Lyceum researchers to believe these forces could shred the very fabric of space-time! It seems the Aveksaka have ‘gone nuclear’. Let’s hope our brave soldiers can stop them in time!

Chaz Manly, EFNN


The Universe is at it’s end. The current universe will end on:

October 19, 2013 at 1:00pm Eastern Standard Time.

All ships will carry over, but permanent assets such as bases will not. For more information, check out this guide on Universe Resets.