Space Clouds

Discovering Lumination: Mysteries of the Prime Cyborgs

Hey Sonatians! We are thrilled to announce the unlocking of a brand new content zone, “Lumination,” set to captivate your imagination and challenge your skills. Players will encounter the enigmatic Prime Cyborgs and one of their Matriarchs, offering unprecedented challenges… and opportunities.

 Aurora FightGateway of Lumination

The Gateway of Lumination can be found deep within the Kalthi Depths. Unlike their Corrupted brethren, who have fallen victim to a rogue AI virus, the Prime Cyborgs in Lumination have managed to avoid infection and preserve their original powers and capabilities.


As you explore the Gateway of Lumination, you will encounter an array of formidable foes and unique loot that are exclusive to this region of space. Be prepared to face challenges that test your tactical prowess and reward your bravery with exclusive equipment and bonuses.

A Test of Teamwork

Entering various Rifts is the only way to access the heart of the Lumination zone. However, their instability can only sustain a squad of up to five players, necessitating cooperation and communication among team members. Make sure to strategize and optimize your squad to maximize your chance of success.

Players will need to adapt to new boss mechanics that promote teamwork.  It’s essential to balance your team composition with damage dealers, healers, and support roles to ensure your squad can overcome the hurdles that lie ahead.

Aurora Fight 2

Prime Cyborgs: A Force to Reckon With

The Prime Cyborgs, masters of technology and unrivaled warriors, await your arrival in the Lumination zone. Be prepared to face enemies with advanced weaponry, sophisticated tactics, and powerful abilities that will challenge even the most seasoned Star Sonata players. Engage in epic battles and outsmart your foes to uncover the secrets of their origin and their Matriarch’s true intentions.

New Boss Fights and Exclusive Loot

The Lumination zone will feature intense boss fights against the Prime Cyborgs’ elite champions and their Matriarch. These encounters will require a keen understanding of their mechanics, impeccable timing, and unwavering teamwork to succeed. Defeating these formidable adversaries will grant players access to exclusive loot, including high-level gear, weapons, and artifacts that can significantly enhance their capabilities.

Luminous2 Lustrous Luminous

A Test of Greatness

With the release of this pinnacle challenge to Star Sonata, we are also going to be doing something a little special to go along with its release. This will take the form of a contest, where we will see who is strong enough to defeat the Matriarch. It will be released in “Contest Mode.”  This version of the boss is intended to be a most difficult challenge, requiring your best ship setups, and all of your problem solving skills. If you manage to defeat it while the contest is active, you will be granted an exclusive reward for your victory. There are a few components to this contest that will be described in our guidelines below. These must be followed so that we can properly verify the authenticity of your completion.

 Mines of Death

Contest Guidelines

  • A video must be posted of you and your squad completing the fight against Matriarch Aurora and showing you and your squadmates engage.

  • Only one point of view is needed, though more are appreciated.

  • The video recording must be from start to finish. Please start the recording before warping into the galaxy with the boss.

  • The video must be uploaded to YouTube.

  • All videos must be posted to the #community-media channel in the Star Sonata discord.

  • There will be a 14 day period, starting from when the instance is first opened. Any squad that completes the boss kill and submits a video within this time frame will earn the reward.

  • Each player account can only be granted the reward once. Being a part of a new squad and submitting a new video does not mean that a previously rewarded account will be given a second reward.

  • Every member of a squad that clears the boss and posts a video will be allowed to pick one (1) reward from the following:

    • A unique and exclusive skin made for this challenge only for a new ship that can be obtained from killing The Matriarch

      • This does not include the new ship, only access to the skin

    • An Empyreal t23 skin of your choice.

Prime Cyborg


Prepare yourselves, Sonatians, for a breathtaking journey into the mysterious depths of the Lumination zone opens on Thursday, April 27th. Form your squad, hone your skills, and unravel the enigma of the Prime Cyborgs and their Matriarch. Embrace the challenges that await you and emerge victorious in this epic new chapter of Star Sonata. Good luck, and may the stars guide you!