Space Clouds

Weekly Dev Meeting – September 3rd



I fixed a longstanding issue relating to field generators that was causing HQ and Outpost kits to become stuck in a strike when they ran out of rations.

I’ve worked on the (Empty Itemtype slot) stuff that a few of you have seen on the forums.
The Userbase side of it was very easy, but there is a little bit of work to finish up to get it working at 100% for ships.


I also fixed a few bugs with our gui tables and have added support for resizing inventories! I hope you all enjoy it as you play, I know I will. :)


Col Legno

I’ve been fixing T21 daily missions, the dailies will now allow you to do one mission a day but each mission has a three day lockout. I fixed some subspace issues too.

Blue Dwarf

So the Outpost/HQ/Palace thing is pretty much done and includes some small, but nice, new management changes for teams.

It works simply so:
If you share a galaxy with a team mate, own the Palace, an Outpost or the Headquarters you’re unable to leave the team, unless you’re Councillor+ (for OP/HQ).
If you are booted the Palace is abandoned, all other offending bases are set to destroyed (dropping no items).

In addition to this there is now a confirmation dialog for booting players which should save some players from those accidental boots. The dialog will inform you if booting the player would affect your team but not what bases or where.

Which brings me to the last point, there’s a new command for checking any offending bases, /basecheck which’ll provide a report on your bases.

Additionally, bases will automatically be set to your team on deployment and transferred bases between team mates will keep their team ownership, removing the need to team a lot of your kits.


Theodore is content now! Yay.

Added repeatable olympus boss key missions.
Adjusted the inertial dampener bps to prevent excessive prom needed at one time.

Player questions!

Question 1

Can the subspace invasion be looked at. It doesn’t seem possible to reverse the colony nerf by any mechanism. Ie it’s not possible to lose the aveksaka ownership of the galaxy. It’s not possible to clear a galaxy as there’s eggs that never stop spawning even when you clear the pillbox. Or at least explain the intended mechanism to us. Thanks buzzy
Ryan: We have the colony nerf turned down until we’re satisfied everything is 100% worked out. In the meantime there are some fixes on test server and they’ll work their way live soon. Once we’re satisfied everything is working as intended, the alien device will begin working at full strength again.

Question 2

I know it’s asked a lot, but can you give any estimated date for the Steam release?
Jeff: Last time we submitted it, they took issue with a few things which we have now fixed, and we’re ready to give people beta keys to test the Steam functionality in client. We misunderstood what we were submitting last time, and though it was just the online assets, but instead they actually looked at and tested the game, so that’s why we have been polishing the in-game Steam stuff a bit. We should be able to resubmit very soon, but the last time we submitted at this stage, it took them several months to get back to us. Fingers crossed.

Here’s the link to submit a question!

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