Space Clouds

Weekly Dev Blog – 9th March



He’s been working more on the temporary drone repair cost works and giving some of the less loved drones some TLC to bring them up to scratch. He’s also been working on Station Management 22 with yclepticon.


He’s been working a little more on UI changes, well, I say a little more, really more of lots of little more.
Ships dialog

Blue Dwarf

My event system is coming along, but it’s still far from done. Unfortunately not much else from me this week.


Ryan has been fixing bugs! On an obscure type of augmenter we have which can have it’s bonuses change in line with your level weren’t working quite right so he fixed that. Ryan has also fixed a bug that’s become prominent in the recent BvBs where inactive (sleepy) galaxies wouldn’t extract commodities at the correct rate, some galaxies were extracting up to 30 times slower than they should have been.

Other than that, he’s still working on assigning rarity tiers to all the items (there’s a lot, 14,396 current count on live). Regarding Steam, we’re still waiting them to get back to us again, Ryan sent an email to chase it up yesterday.


Jey’s got his free trial of Intel Vtune around again, and has been working on optimizing for heaving BvB scenarios. Server side load of the bvb will be down by a factor of around 1200% (BvB should not have any noticeable server performance impact anymore after the next patch), for the client offering up to an 80% increase in FPS, hardware dependant.

Patch will be coming very soon, a blog post announcing it will be made as soon as a fixed date has been determined.


Jeff’s done all our accounting and taxes for the year!
He’s also informed us we’re now debt free. When Jeff bought out the rest of Star Sonata from Adum he took out a loan to cover it and it’s all paid off now!

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