Space Clouds

Planet Terraforming Blueprint Changes

Existing terraforming blueprints are getting an update. The exact list of blueprints will be available below this blog post with almost all terraforming blueprints no longer building into their respective planetary project. Instead, they will build into a new “Pre-Fabricated” blueprint that can then be added to any planet or moon’s base to be built into the respective planetary project without the use of materials or credits. The existing cost of projects will remain on the original blueprints, allowing players to bulk build terraforming projects at a single centralized production base to remove the hassle of managing resources such as metals on all of your planet’s bases.

Once you’ve built the pre-fabricated project blueprints, you can add one to a planet or base by equipping and beginning the build. The blueprint will require no resources or credits to function, only time. The first project in a chain will take one day to build, while the second in a chain takes two days and third takes three days. Building all the way to the last project will, as a result, take seven days total.


Time and Prerequisite

No Requirement

Orbital Habitats

1 day

Sensible Living

1 day

Kalthi Orbital Habitats

1 day

Deep Core Mining Project

1 day

Deeper Core Mining Project

2 days, requires Deep Core Mining Project

Space Oat Hydroponics

1 day

Low Gravity

Dark Matter Injection

1 day

Extended Dark Matter Injection

2 days, requires Dark Matter Injection

Total Dark Matter Injection

3 days, requires Extended Dark Matter Injection

Heavy Gravity

Gravity Controller Experiment

1 day

Gravity Controllers

2 days, requires Gravity Controller Experiment

Maximum Gravity Controllers

3 days, requires Gravity Controllers


Project Little Greenhouse

1 day

Project Greenhouse

2 days, requires Project Little Greenhouse

Project Big Greenhouse

3 days, requires Project Greenhouse


Global Cooling Project

1 day

Global Freezing Project

2 days, requires Global Cooling Project

Project Big Chill

2 days, requires Global Freezing Project


Atmosphere Scrubbing Project

1 day

Atmosphere Cleansing Project

2 days, requires Atmosphere Scrubbing Project

Atmosphere Scraping Project

3 days, requires Atmosphere Cleansing Project