Space Clouds

Missile Damage

We’ve been getting reports that missile damage is a bit too high. On further inspection, it’s been discovered that missiles are getting unintended bonuses from both the Gunner Class Skill and the Big Guns subskill.

What we designed missiles around :
damage = damage * missile mastery (1.5) =  damage * 1.5

What is actually happening :
damage = damage * missile mastery (1.5) * gunner (1.2) * big guns (1.2) = damage * 2.16

This is a very significant increase in damage that was not taken into account when we redesigned missiles and destruction further amplifies this issue. As such, we will be shortly inhibiting missiles from inheriting half of their owner’s Gunner Class skill and Big Guns subskill to bring missile damage back down to where it was originally intended to be.

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