Space Clouds

Dev Diary – Base Upgrades, Bot Commands, and Everything Nice

Welcome to another Star Sonata Dev Diary!

Today, we’re covering a range of topics from the new Base Upgrade system, new Bot chat commands and some fixes to pesky bugs that we’ve been chasing for years!

Base Upgrade system

So here’s the problem: You’d laid bases on a planet. They’re just plain vanilla Ai station kits deployed on the planet and yet, several weeks later you have some upgraded Laconia kits you’d prefer to lay down.

You’d have to transfer gear, demolish the original bases, lose any augmenters that were already equipped and lay the new station then move everything over and re-equip.

With the new Base Upgrade system, you simply select the currently deployed base, you double click/use the new kit from your inventory, and the base upgrades into the new version without any of the previous hassle.

Notable Mentions

  • The upgrade process causes the construction timer and vulnerability to reappear.
  • Bases cannot be upgraded into with a station kit that will result in over hull capacity, lower tech level or fewer augmenter slots.
  • The same conditions that prevent deploying normal bases apply to upgrading bases with bases.
  • Destroyed bases cannot be upgraded — they must first be repaired.

Bot Commands

We are always looking to improve players’ ability to directly control their bots. We’re expanding the level of control players have with 9 new commands players can use.

/botsAttack: All combat and wild bots will be set to attack your target.
/botsNoAttack: All combat and wild bots will be set to not attack your target.
/botsFight: All combat and wild bots will be set to fight enemies.
/botsNoFight: All combat and wild bots will be set to not fight enemies.
/botsClose: All bots will stay close.
/botsNoClose: “Stay close” will be disabled for all bots.
/botsDock: All non-wild bots will dock and deactivate.

We are also adding an option in the bot menu to disable weapons that can’t be unequipped in the “More bot settings” menu.

Everything Nice

As a point of pride, we’ve finally found and tackled the issue with Deathblossom not firing the correct number of projectiles when having Multifire 3.

The deathblossom fix will be part of the next patch the others will be in a later patch.