Space Clouds

Dev blog ness of August 14th!

Kalipso did some Prospecting work, when there was an error relating to prospecting there were no error messages transmitting, so that was added to the client.

He finished up some eridium stuff and added a factory that breaks eridium down into 24 pieces to be used as a fuel for energies (so if the server crashes you won’t lose out on your fuel).  He also added some options in the admin panel to add/remove missions without editing xml, which is super nice for us to make things way more efficient.

Jeff rewrote some code for engine thrust since it was ancient and buggy.

I forgot what Blue Dwarf said he did in the meeting, but I know he’s been working on cleaning up something regarding the balance sheets, and apparently no one wants to do it. Balance sheets are evil.

Jey hasn’t reported yet whether he’s found that memory issue, I suppose no news is good news, as we’d be hearing him bitching about seeing hexadecimal in his sleep if he wasn’t on the right track.

Thomas did more website stuff (I was distracted in the meeting with tickets).

I worked on tickets and some investigations. I also started work on our F2P vs P2P page so we can use that in marketing materials going forward. I am having to take a crash course in javascript which makes me cry inside.

All in all another productive day in the SS dev world!