Space Clouds

Calypso Update 1.20.14

This week’s update is going to detail some general changes coming with the class rebalance. They include two new augmenter stats and a new client animation to go along with one of them. Keep reading to find out more.

green_empireAs I mentioned earlier, we’re adding two new augmenter stats; the first of these is Transference Resistance. Transference resistance added by the new augmenter stat is handled in the same way transference resistance added by the Resistance augmenter stat is — that is to say it only affects positive transference damage (from an AI that uses transference damage weapons or an outgoing heal). Right now there is only a specific usage of this stat in mind, but it may make its way onto augs or gear sometime down the line.

The second new augmenter stat is one that I think is a lot more exciting; Evasion. The evasion augmenter stat gives the user a chance to dodge damage; that is the damage source will pass right through their ship without hitting them and potentially hit something behind them.

In order to keep this stat from becoming too powerful a ships evasion will scale based on the damage source.

  • For projectiles evasion will scale based on the speed of the evading ship relative to the speed of the projectile. So the faster the projectile and the slower the evading ship, the lower the chance to evade.
  • For laser beams evasion will scale based on the evading ships distance from the shooter. The closer the evading ship, the less likely to evade.
  • For warheads evasion is ignored. That means to escape missile damage you need to kill the missile or fly away from it.

Evasion also has one other condition and that is the evading ship needs to have an equipped engine to evade. That means no evasion on your Thatches, sorry! Evasion is applicable on all lasers and projectiles fired normally. It also is applied to projectiles and lasers created by splash, chain, ricochet, spray and chain bullet weapon effects. Evasion is not applied to AoE or Warhead weapon effects.

With the mechanics out of the way, I am sure people are going to ask something along the lines of “How do I know a shot has been evaded and it’s not just lag?”. This is handled in two ways. First, the evader and the evadee will get a damage pop up reading “Miss”. The pop up will only display if you have damage pop-ups enabled. Secondly, the ship evading will do a barrel roll.

Barrel rolling will only be enabled for players who play using the perspective camera mode.

That’s it for this week’s update. As always, feel free to post your comments, suggestions and questions in the discussion topic! Until next week.


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