Space Clouds

Bageese’s Update

First off, sorry for the lack of posts last week! We had a slight hiccup with our daily blog posts, mostly due to a communication issue and a bug with WordPress. Hopefully sometime this week you’ll be seeing an update from Blue Dwarf regarding his ongoing projects.

I will be absent from the daily meetings for two whole weeks as I am going to Pax Prime for a Work/Vacation. I plan on promoting the game by handing out FREE 3 month subscription cards. How cool is that? Following PAX Prime I’m taking my first real vacation in… I don’t even remember to see some family I haven’t seen in over a year. After taking non-stop classes for a few years and not having a legitimate break from… life(?), I’m pretty stoked to have just a few days to myself and family.

I’m going to take this blog post to discuss a little bit of what I’ve been doing this past week. I’ve been getting ready for PAX PRIME! As I mentioned I am going to be promoting the game while I’m there. We unfortunately, were unable to get a booth space this year because all booths sold out at the conclusion of last year’s PAX Prime! What we plan on doing instead is handing out some ultra-cool three month voucher cards. I’ve been busy designing the cards, learning our new voucher system and trying to update our site accordingly. Thanks to a very awesome community member my progress on the Free to Pay vs Pay to Play features page is coming along nicely. I’ve also learned more about HTML, CSS, and javascript than I really wanted to know, and am working on a whole new page dedicated to in person promotions going forward.

One item I also wanted to discuss was our monthly events, I said it would be every fourth Friday of the month, yet when I put it into my calendar to be scheduled, I made it be the LAST Friday of every month. Well, August has 5 Fridays. I was so caught up on my preparation for PAX that it didn’t even occur to me to double check the date. That was an oops on my part and I’ve adjusted my calendar appropriately. Regarding Monthly events I personally feel as though they’re getting stale and repetitive. The problem is, there’s not a whole lot we can change easily.  The game has a bunch of parameters that can globally change various things within the game. Many of these are specifically for the administrative side of things and are rather boring, but a few, like EXP and Augmenter drop chance, can easily be changed on the fly. I’ve had a smattering of suggestions from players. One that particularly interested me was the idea that roaming ubers spawn rate was increased.

Before I conclude I want to address the blog itself. I know our blog posts have been erratic. We’ve had Daily blog posts, and then big project posts like Calypso’s updates. So what kinds of blog posts do you like? Daily meeting posts? Or individual big project type posts?  A little combination of both? Let us know!

To conclude I want to let you guys know that we are looking into doing a patch very soon. It will go onto Livetest first, where we will post the patch notes for you guys to scrutinize to your heart’s delight. If you help us out by testing any of these issues and document what you did to test, we may reward you with in game goodies, or even some space points.

PS. I will be posting updates from PAX Prime on my twitter and the Star Sonata twitter account. Check them out!