Space Clouds

Server/Client Patch 08.01.2019

* Added some new drops to the zebucart boss
* Hopefully improved v formation priority
* Comets will now state how long until they start ejecting materials when scanning them
* Comets will now be treated as their own separate object groups. They no longer show as moons.
* Potential fix for anti-cheat messing with microwarpers
* Moved scrap value field in /mc to be at the top, near the averages section
* Small Nexus Drone Fighter Generator is now a Super Item, and the fighters that are created do not return to the ship when they expire.
** As a result, all Nexus Drone Fighter Prefab’s have been marked as AI Only. This will cause them to be erased from player hulls.
* Further improvements to V-Formation target priority
* Re-enabled Stay Close
* Bug fix for prospecting beams spamming event chat when trying to use them on non solarbodies
* Irradiated ships will no longer attempt to fire
* V Formation improvement revisions
* Fix for a rare crash on instance destruction.
* Hopefully fixed the timed notification in the client (like shutdown timer).
* Internal changes to some datastructure and thread synchronisation to improve server stability and performance.