Space Clouds

Server/Client Patch 05.15.2019

== Typos ==
* Fixed a wording from Barg to Barf in mission description.

== Cosmetic ==
* Gave the t23 pax ships correct visuals

== Quality of Life ==
* Added name color highlights for squad, team, and enemies
* Increased debris visual size

== Bug Fixes ==
* Fixed Cybernetic Bart’s main torpedo weapons.
* Fixed thorax projectile sizing
* Fixed flight controller not affecting fighters.
* Fixed a bug allowing item generator to go above their limit
** Item generator should now generate items more smoothly instead of generating in bunch every few seconds.
** Item generator now remove any item they generate above their limit*2 to prevent extreme cases of hoarding/bug
* Fixed a crash on client when 2 many effects needed to be loaded.

== Content ==
* Marked Auric Sector as no PvP
* The Capital Vortex Laser (tech 9) will now properly drop from DGs.
* Added oly fighter super items
* Added some of the stella zone super items
+ Added Comet- prefix to all comet names.
* Corrupted Missile now takes 1 space instead of 0 space.
* Corrupted Punch tweak is now Tech 22.
* Changed tardis extension bp from t20 to t14 to match tech of the extension

== Balance ==
* +DPS and +Damage effects will act as +HPS and +Healing effects when healing