Space Clouds

Monthly Event Delay (sorry) and Scoreboard Update

So first off I want to give an update as to why the scoreboard on the website isn’t working. We are waiting on Jey to fix it, but unfortunately he’s been completely cut off from internet access due to extreme weather conditions for three weeks. Luckily he just got home today (like as I was writing this post). Yay! We’ll have an update later on this week with the status of that fix.

And yes, the monthly event didn’t get turned on and that was totally my fault. I’ve been moving since Thursday and doing way too many things outside of the house (appointments, meetings, blargh). I didn’t get computer and internet access until yesterday. But I’m back now as is Jey so things should start to return to normal. The monthly event will actually occur this Friday instead.

Thanks for your patience!

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