Core Skills : Volume I

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Note: This page may be severely outdated and kept for historical reasons. Please refer to the individual skill pages instead.

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Item Description

Tech: 0

Weight: 5

Size: 1

Description: Collect the works of Sven Hilfsgeber. Neato!


Page 1 (Piloting)

Piloting and You: A Guide to Mastering Ship Tech

Piloting is perhaps the most important skill you can neurotrain. Increasing it will allow you to pilot more powerful ships! Since many items are limited by the tech level of your ship, getting a higher tech one is a good way to increase your overall strength. Better ships will also have more hull space, a highter maximum speed and more slots for equipment! You might find yourself asking now, I want a better ship, maybe one with cup-holders, where can I train piloting? Well, it is a good thing you purchased this book; it contains a list of all piloting locations!

Piloting neurotraining to 5 is located in Sol.

Piloting neurotraining to 8 is located in Labyrinth. This requires 1 Goblet.

Piloting neurotraining to 12 is located in Rumble. This requires 25 Fly Wings.

Piloting neurotraining to 16 is located in Rumble 2. This requires 25 Grammies.

Piloting neurotraining to 19 is located in Rumble 3. This Requires 20 Chrome Knobs.

Piloting neurotraining to 20 is located in Rumble Mumble. This Requires 20 Rumble Pirate Crest.

Page 2 (Weaponry)

Plasmas, Lasers and Projectiles : Mastering Weaponry

There are many different types of weapons available for ships. You have pulse guns, laser, sebastapools, heat cannons, shield transference beams... I could keep listing them for ages; scientists have come up with no shortage of ways to let people blow eachother up. In any case, increasing your weaponry neurotraining is always a good idea. Doing this will allow you to use higher tech weapons which, in turn, will make it much easier to deal with enemy ships. As in the previous chapter Piloting and You, I have included a list of locations you can train weaponry at!

Weaponry neurotraining to 4 is located in Sol.

Weaponry neurotraining to 8 is located in Blue Outpost.

Weaponry neurotraining to 16 is located in Absolution. This requires 1 Blue Vapor.

Weaponry neurotraining to 18 is located in Hyper. This requires 1 Blue Dust.

Weaponry neurotraining to 19 is located in Nihilite. This requires 3,000 Promethium.

Weaponry neurotraining to 20 is located in Iq' Bana. This requires 1 Urk' Qokujiii Qa'ik.

Page 3 (Shielding)

Shielding Systems : The Only Defense

If you have read the first two chapters of this holobook, you know all about ships and weaponry now. Congratulations. So does everyone else who has read those chapters. And if they have a ship equipped with these weapons as well, they might attack you. How do you survive being attacked? Shielding Systems! Shielding Systems absorb damage from weapons and slowly regenerate over time. If your ship's shields run out, your ship will go into stasis and you will be ejected in a helpless pod. You do not want that, do you? Neither would I. So it is wise to upgrade your shielding neurotraining, High levels of shielding neurotraining will give you access to more powerful shield and help you survive. Here is a list of where you can train shielding skills.

Shielding neurotraining to 5 is located in Sol.

Shielding neurotraining to 15 is located in Nihilite.

Shielding neurotraining to 18 is located in Underworld. This requires 1 Space Boomerang.

Shielding neurotraining to 19 is located in Hyper. This requires 1 Pearly Gate.

Shielding neurotraining to 20 is located in Blue Photon Processing. This requires 1 Anaconda Scale.

Page 4 (Electrical Engineering)

An Idiot's Guide to Energybanks

If you are not aware, nearly everything in the universe requires power to function. Coffee machines, holo-printing presses, and perhaps more importantly, your shielding and weapon systems. This is why you should probably make sure your ship has an energybank. An energybank produces energy at a steady rate every second. Energy that is not immediately used is stored in the energybanks internal capacitor for later use. Items can then use that energy to function. Some items will drain energy constantly, others only when they are used. In any case, having a lot of energy will ensure everything keeps working. If you upgrade your electrical engineering neurotraining you will gain access to better energybanks. You will be able to power items more efficiently, Like every chapter in this book, here is a list of places you can increase your electrical engineering neurotraining.

Electrical Engineering neurotraining to 5 is located in Sol.

Electrical Engineering neurotraining to 16 is located in Handel's Cove. This requires 1 Kromlite.

Electrical Engineering neurotraining to 18 is located in Nihilite. This requires 1 Sputter Nutters.

Electrical Engineering neurotraining to 19 is located in The End of the Universe. This requires 3 Conclusion Icicles.

Electrical Engineering neurotraining to 20 is located in Lunacy. this requires 1 Mad Scientist's Brain.

Page 5 (Engines)

Don't Drift! Use an Engine!

Alright. You have a ship, you have weapons, shields and energy... but even with all of that, without a propulsion system you are dead in the aether. Every ship needs an engine! Engine systems have two primary components; thrusters and turners (or turning thrusters). An engine's primary thrust will control how fast your ship accelerates. An engine's turning rate will control how agile your ship is. The heavier your ship, the better both of these need to be. Higher tech engine have higher levels of thrust and turning so if you want to stay agile when you upgrade the rest of your gear, it is probably a good idea to upgrade your engine training. Here is a list of where you can do this.

Engine neurotraining to 5 is located in Sol.

Engine neurotraining to 6 is located in East Vindia.

Engine neurotraining to 17 is located in Ruby Steppes.

Engine neurotraining to 18 is located in Nihilite. This requires 1 Space Boomerang.

Engine neurotraining to 19 is located in Lunacy. This requires 1 Dementium.

Engine neurotraining to 20 is located in Micron. This requires completing the Blue Race Course.

Page 6 (Conclusion)

This concludes Volume I of my collected works. You should now understand the function of piloting, weaponry, shielding, electrical engineering and engine neurotraining. Since this book contains a comprehensive list of where to further your training in these skills I would advice you keep it, and maybe buy a second, or ever better, pick up Volume II, so my publisher doesn't drop me.

-Sven Hilfsgeber