/development:client2 - 3d ships milestone 1

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Joe's Milestone 1

| **Game Object Name** | **Filename** | **Texture** | **Animation** | **Notes/Comments** |
| AI User Base 01 | AIUserBase01Mesh.obj | ** Texturing should be made to more metallic looking instead of gray** | ** The elevators should move 50% slower and at 10% the current frequency.** | I like the addition pieces protruding from the inner sphere. |
| AI User Base 02 | AIUserBase02Mesh.obj | Good | **The animation cycle has a slight hitch in the rings. \\ ** | I like the animation. |
| Asteroid 01 | Asteroid01Mesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Asteroid 02 | Asteroid02Mesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Asteroid 03 | Asteroid03Mesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Asteroid 04 | Asteroid04Mesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Asteroid 05 | Asteroid05Mesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Augmented Debris | AugmentedDebrisMesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Blackbox Report 01 | BlackBoxReportMesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Blackbox Report 02 | BlackBoxReportMeshRev2.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Bulk Trader 02 | Bulktrader2Mesh.obj | **The rotating cyclinders painted shadows are not properly alligned. The darker side should always face the axis of rotation.** | Good | Overall good |
| Generic Debris | GenericDebrisMesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Massif 01 | Massif01Mesh.obj | Good | Good | Overall good |
| Massif 02 | Massif02Mesh.obj | | | **Model & Texture for Massif 01 and Massif 02 are indentical?** |
| Neuro Tweak | NueroTweakMesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Space Rat | SpaceRatMesh.obj | Good | **Animation error in one of the eyes** | ** Possible a candidate for a totally new art direction. I hate the whole idea of rat animals in space. Convert to a new somewhat dingy ship type object. Time permitting.** |
| Zebucart | ZebuMesh.obj | Good | **Spikes appear from nowhere at start of the animation cycle. Fix if time permitting.** | Overall good |
| Rosburst | RosburstMesh.obj | Textures as a collection don't match (minor) | Good | |
| Tear | TearMesh.obj | Good | Good | |
| Casper | CasperMesh.obj | Good | ** Slight hitch in the spinning animation cycle.** | Very cool ship |
| Phunka | PhunkaMesh.obj | Good | ** Animation file but no animation?** | |
| Spirit | SpiritMesh.obj | Good | ** Animation cyclone hitch in one of the wings** | Very cool ship; The flapping animation could be make to look like it's breathing or similar |
| Bulk Trader | BulktraderMesh.obj | Good | Good | Same texture as the Massif 01?**\\ ** |
| Helga | HelgaMesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Flyboy 01 | Flyboy01mesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Flyboy 02 | Flyboy02mesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Flyboy 03 | Flyboy03mesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Flyboy 04 | Flyboy04mesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Flyboy 05 | Flyboy05mesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| Slumber Chrome | SlumberchromeMesh.obj | Good | Good | Very cool ship |
| Dark Trader | DarTrader.obj | Good | Good | |
| Ruby Trader | RubyTraderMesh.obj | **The red texture makes the ship look too red and candy like. Keep some of it really red but other parts metallic gray or less red? The Dark Trader is a good combo, IMO.** | Good | |
| Police | PoliceMesh.obj | Good | ** The animation crashes the default Irrlicht viewer?** | |
| Damaged User Base | DamagedUserBaseMesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| User Base | UserBaseMesh.obj | **The dark sections are too dark. Make them a color?** | N/A | This is an important model to make look great since it is so common. |