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An Owned galaxy is similar to a Protected galaxy. Combat is still allowed inside the galaxy unlike with Protected galaxies.

To own a galaxy a team must have a Headquarters in the galaxy. After ten minutes of the HQ base being laid, the galaxy can be owned. During this time another player can lay a base in the galaxy next door to start the timer for that galaxy. The requirements to own a galaxy is to have a all bases on your team, and for the galaxy to be connected to the HQ galaxy via a chain of galaxies. With the exception of the outpost. And outpost is a special base kit bought in Free Market. An outpost is like a HQ base, with no aura generator, unlike a HQ other galaxies can't be owned off it like a HQ. A team's Director, Councillors and officers may choose to own or unown a galaxy from menu options: Character -> Team -> Control -> Own Galaxy. Once a Galaxy is owned, other teams cannot place bases or permanent drones in that galaxy.

Players are also limited to 5 + 5 per additional galaxy connection they own station kits when attempting BvB on an owned galaxy, unless they build Base Amplifiers.

Also see New Ownership Rules for more info.