Reaver Missions

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Location Information / General Overview

The Reaver Missions are a long and convoluted series of missions Begining in Brigades Stronghold. They involve both bounty collection and insurance missions, the insurance missions being repeatable. The missions require levels in Piracy

Assassination Missions

Non Repeatable

Mission: Wanted: S.R. Express 4493
Initial Location Initial Agent Mission Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Holoboard Bulletin Post None
End Location End Agent Skill Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Blue Pirate Grix none
Repeatable? Accessibility Level Requirement
no F2P/P2P 10
Kill ship S.R.Express 4493
Kill ship S.R.Express 4493
Mission Text
You spot a bulletin on the station holoboard and stop by to read it.

'WANTED: S.R. Express 4493, Dead! WHY: Consorting and sharing information with Earthforce, leading to the capture of various pirates in the inner system.

REWARD: 5 Million Credits (Unmarked)! See Blue Pirate Grix at Brigand's Stronghold to collect the bounty on this Earthforce weasel!'
Completion Text
"Finally! A lot o' good men got put away cause of that kid's meddling. We've also let Earthforce know that they can't protect their lackeys who squeal on us. The destruction o' that ship won two victories today! Good work Simon, ya've earned this..."

Mission: WANTED: Cadet W. Crusher
Initial Location Initial Agent Mission Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Holoboard Bulletin Post Wanted: S.R. Express 4493
End Location End Agent Skill Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Volcom Pirate Sveck none
Repeatable? Accessibility Level Requirement
no F2P/P2P 15
Destroy Cadet W. Crusher
Destroy Cadet W. Crusher
Mission Text
You spot another bulletin on the station holoboard.

Wondering if it's a bounty, you decide to check it out.

'WANTED: Cadet W. Crusher, Dead! WHY: The capture of many pirates in the inner system; assisting Earthforce in obtaining engineering schematics on various pirate sub-systems.

REWARD: 10 Million Credits (Unmarked)! Last seen at Enforcer Station, Sol. See Volcom Pirate Sveck at Brigand's Stronghold to collect the bounty on this know-it-all overachiever!'
Completion Text
"I feel betta, knowin' that good for not'in kid is finally dead. This'll be a lesson to them overacheivin' know-it-all punks that come outta nowhere 'n' solve all o' Earthforce's problems! Pirate hunter? Not Volcom Pirate Sveck starts laughing.

Mission: WANTED: Trader Lazrack
Initial Location Initial Agent Mission Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Holoboard Bulletin Post WANTED: Cadet W. Crusher
End Location End Agent Skill Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Blue Pirate Johan none
Repeatable? Accessibility Level Requirement
no F2P/P2P 40
Destroy Trader Lazrack
Destroy Trader Lazrack
Mission Text
Another discreet bulletin catches your eye as you walk past the station's holoboard.

'WANTED: Trader Lazrack, Dead! WHY: The salvaging of pirate debris from destroyed ships, and selling said wreckage to Earthforce intelligence!

REWARD: 30 Million Credits (Unmarked)! Known to frequent Shadow. See Blue Pirate Johan at Brigand's Stronghold to collect the bounty on this loathsome vulture!'
Completion Text
"Ah! Finally, I see that Trader Lazrack has been taken care of! His speedy salvage of our wrecked ships will no longer be a threat to our security. Selling our technology to Earthforce? Hooh, he had this coming, he had this one coming..."

Mission: WANTED: Mister the Prefect
Initial Location Initial Agent Mission Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Holoboard Bulletin Post WANTED: Trader Lazrack (?)
End Location End Agent Skill Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Topaz Eye Jimmy none
Repeatable? Accessibility Level Requirement
no F2P/P2P 65
Destroy Mister the Prefect
Destroy Mister the Prefect
Mission Text
"Yo, ain't you that bounty hunter who's been picking off all those Earthforce lackeys?" asks a young man with a ream of holographic papers in his arms.

When you nod, he grins and hands you a flyer. "A request from the higher-ups," he says, before scampering off.

'WANTED: Mister the Prefect, Dead! WHY: As the star pilot of Earthforce, the disposal or capture of honest pirates at work!

REWARD: 50 Million Credits (Unmarked)! See Topaz Eye Jimmy at Brigand's Stronghold to collect the bounty on this vain pretty boy!'
Completion Text
"So you wrecked his pretty little Enforcer, yeah? Good job, kid. If it's one thing i can't stand, it's those good-looking pricks who think they're actually skillful with a gun."

Mission: WANTED: S.R. Tycoon 7479
Initial Location Initial Agent Mission Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Holoboard Bulletin Post WANTED: Mister the Prefect
End Location End Agent Skill Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Topaz Eye Jimmy none
Repeatable? Accessibility Level Requirement
no F2P/P2P 90
Destroy S.R. Tycoon 7479
Destroy S.R. Tycoon 7479
Mission Text
"[Character Name], Ain't it?" You turn around and see a young man - the same one who gave you a flyer on Mister the Prefect - with a thin sheaf of papers in his hand.

"This poor bastard is for some real hard cowboys," he says, handing you a sheet.

'WANTED: S.R. Tycoon 7479, Dead! WHY: The preemptive destruction of honest pirates, trying to negotiate on the contents of it's cargo!

REWARD 80 Million Credits (UNMARKED)! See Topaz Eye Jimmy at Brigand's Stronghold to collect the bounty on this trigger-happy redneck!'
Completion Text
"I'm even shot down the trump ace of those Star-Runner punks. Not bad, kid, not bad at all..."

Mission: WANTED: Ismail, East Vindia CEO
Initial Location Initial Agent Mission Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Topaz Eye Jimmy WANTED: S.R. Tycoon 7479
End Location End Agent Skill Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Barbe Bleu none
Repeatable? Accessibility Level Requirement
no F2P/P2P 150
Destroy Ismail, East Vindia CEO
Destroy Ismail, East Vindia CEO
Mission Text
"Howdy, Simon," says Topaz Eye Jimmy, as you step out of your ship. "Care for a little chat?" Jimmy hands you a flyer as you follow him through the halls of the station. "You've taken out all of the smaller fry without battin' an eye," he says. "That's why I wanted to give you a proposition: I'm sure you've heard plenty about Ismail, the ol' geezer who's in charge of the East Vindia Company. Well, he's been givin' us Blue quite a hard time for a while know what I'm gonna ask you next, ain't that right?" He grins slowly. "Take care of Ismail, kid, and you'll be on the highway to riches and a hell of a lot of infamy. Oh, but I should warn you - it ain't no walk in the park. You ain't the only one I had a nice talking-to, and you ain't gonna be the last to leave with that special flyer in hand - there might be a bit o' competition out there...but that don't bother you, eh?" 'WANTED: Ismail, East Vindia CEO, Dead! WHY: The collaboration with Earthforce in persecuting and capturing pirates from all factions! REWARD: 100 Million Credits (Unmarked)! See Barbe Bleu at Brigands Stronghold to collect the bounty on this self-righteous tycoon!'
Completion Text
You step into the reception room, expecting Topaz Eye Jimmy to congratulate you on a job well done. Instead, Barbe Bleu is standing in his place. "So you've taken care of that old bastard Ismail, eh? Looks like Jimmy was right 'bout you: You've got a cool head and a fast trigger finger." He lights a cigarette, then pulls out a hefty credit-stick. "Take it. Enjoy it. We'll keep in might just be the man to make sure Earthforce and their buddies 'ave to start covering their asses."

Mission: WANTED: Constable Roderick
Initial Location Initial Agent Mission Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Barbe Bleu WANTED: Ismail, East Vindia CEO
End Location End Agent Skill Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Barbe Bleu none
Repeatable? Accessibility Level Requirement
no F2P/P2P 250
Destroy Constable Roderick
Destroy Constable Roderick
Mission Text
"Good t'see you, Simon," says Barbe Bleu around a cigarette. "I've got some more work that needs doing. Sit down, sit down." His eyes flick toward the chair in front of him and you comply. "I 'aven't got the faintest idea whether or not you keep up with the propaganda that Earthforce calls 'news,' and normally I wouldn't care. But this, Simon, is 'ardly normal: Earthforce got themselves a new champ. A 'Star Fighter,' they call 'im, a 'Dynamic Paragon of Justice.'" 'WANTED: Constable Roderick, Dead! WHY: Spearheading numerous Earthforce raids on unarmed outposts (of various pirate affiliations) for personal glory! REWARD: 120 Million Credits (Unmarked)! See Barbe Bleu at Brigands Stronghold to collect the bounty on this fame-mongering flatfoot!' Silence fills the room as Barbe Bleu sucks on his cig. "Now, I 'ate to admit this, but we're reeling back quite a ways because of this new brat on the block. Already we've lost close to half a dozen tons of trade goods thanks to 'is operations. I want 'im snuffed out. And, as you can see, I'll pay you well for it." You move to shake Bleu's hand and accept the deal, but he stops you with a thin smile. "And you'll need to understand, Simon...we aren't the only ones out looking for blood. The Infernal Faction's all riled up as well - and they've issued their own bounty for 'is 'ead. You best keep your wits about you, kid, or Roddy isn't gonna be the only one who ends up a molten 'eap of slag."
Completion Text
"The deed's on the news," greets Barbe Bleu, feet on the desk and holoscreen controller in hand. "And you beat the Infernal Faction to 'im? Good, good. I never did like those 'otheaded pricks."

Mission: WANTED: Speedy Gonzales
Initial Location Initial Agent Mission Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Barbe Bleu WANTED: Constable Roderick
End Location End Agent Skill Prerequisite
Brigand's Stronghold, Brigand's Stronghold Barbe Bleu none
Repeatable? Accessibility Level Requirement
no F2P/P2P 300
Destroy Speedy Gonzales
Destroy Speedy Gonzales
Mission Text
"Evenin', Simon," drawls Barbe Bleu as you step into his den. "I might 'ave something you're interested in." He pulls out a disk from his pocket, then inserts it into the desk's hologram projector. 'WANTED: Speedy Gonzales, Dead! WHY: Supplying Earthforce with advanced technology in exchange for their protection! REWARD: 150 Million Credits (Unmarked)! See Barbe Bleu at Brigands Stronghold to collect the bounty on this cowardly roadrunner!' "No doubt you've 'eard of Gonzales from the grapevine. You'll also know that I was interested in what made his ship so fast - that sort of tech would be useful to us. Unfortunately, the sly bastard guessed our motives and supplied some of the schematics of his special customizations to Earthforce, free of charge - in exchange for their protection." Barbe Bleu pauses for a moment, then chuckles. "'Protection' - haa, that's real funny. Why don't you tell Gonzales to grow a pair before he decides to play 'ardball with the Blue?" You nod and turn to leave. As you step out the bulkhead, Bleu calls out: "Just like the job with Ismail 'n' Roddy, Simon - you weren't the first bounty hunter to tip the scales, and you certainly aren't the last. Keep a sharp eye out for some...friendly competition."
Completion Text
"A good lesson to be learned 'ere: Don't mess with the Blue," he says, riffling through the bills in his hand. "A shame Gonzales isn't around to put it into practice. Pleasure doin' business with you, Simon"