Paxius Missions

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Paxius Prime


These missions have you explore the universe looking for certain galaxies.


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Exploration

We haven't been fully introduced. I am Devanar, an Ancient from the Paxian race.
I am here with others of my race as a mission of peace and exploration and we could use your help.
If you are willing to take some risks, we can go very far together.
If you accept this task, you will embark in a serie of exploration missions that will lead you to the boundaries of the known universe.
Are you ready to help the Pax understand this new and strange universe?

* Credits given: 5000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

Find Sol, rumored to be the center of this universe and report back to Devanar.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Exploration

Ahh Sol, indeed. The center of this mankind universe, it seems to be. Excellent, this is a good start.
I will try to make contact with some of the Sol officials in time. Shall we proceed and explore some more now?
Also, before you go, as a reward for helping us you will get an Ancient Pax Medal.
You can use those to train in our stations here for skills you do not have.
You can conserve them to train for higher skills or use them up right away; it's up to you.

Free Market

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Market place? Trading Federation?
Market place? Trading Federation?

I'm sure there is a center for commerce somewhere around here. I heard something about a Market place but I need more details.

* Credits given: 10000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

Find the location of Free Market, the center of commerce for the trade Federation and most of the universe and report back to Devanar.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Market place? Trading Federation?
Market place? Trading Federation?

Great news, Simon! I knew such a place had to exist. Was the shopping interesting?.

Blue Outpost

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: The Blue are here too?
The Blue are here too?

I am glad you decided to help us further, Simon! Now let's move our exploration out of the exact center a bit. I have heard that the Blue race also dwells in this universe. Find me some information on them if you can.

* Credits given: 10000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

Find Blue Outpost, the Blue race galaxy and come back to Devanar for a report.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: The Blue are here too?
The Blue are here too?

So it is true that the Blue are here as well. I wonder exactly what this galaxy is hiding? Hmm.


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Mining?

This universe is full of resources. There must be many mining operations around here.
Explore around and try to locate such an operation.

* Credits given: 10000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

Find Ring and report your findings about the mining operations to Devanar.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Mining?

Impressive work, this is really some deep space mining operations going on there.
I wonder what kind of resources you can find there?


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: An underground hideout.
An underground hideout.

It's normal for civilisations to engage in shady business. Find me a place where such things happen.

* Credits given: 10000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

Go and be on the lookout for Shadow.  Be carefull out there and once you found some information on it come back here.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: An underground hideout.
An underground hideout.

I'm glad you could come back here in one piece, Simon. Not a place I would recommend to anyone, it seems.

Handel's Cove

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: A strange hidden refuge
A strange hidden refuge

Find me information about what kind of refuge beings in this Universe use.

* Credits given: 15000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal
* Reward: Mythstream

Handel's Cove could be what Devanar is hinting at, go check it out and report back any findings to him.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: A strange hidden refuge
A strange hidden refuge

Indeed. It seems the station can withstand the power of many suns with some kind of cloaking and stasis mechanism.
Crude technology... but effective to hide with, it seem. Since the work you have been doing for us has been good, here is a good,
fast shield to help you explore. Our scouts often use those same shields.

Glass Matrix

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Complex Matrix of Solidified Water.
Complex Matrix of Solidified Water.

It seem there is a spot named after a property typical of water molecules. Strange things can be found there.
Go on and explore to tell me more, my young helper.

* Credits given: 15000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal
* Reward: Mythos Cloak

Find Glass Matrix and try to find Humble Ice station for some interesting items sold there.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Complex Matrix of Solidified Water.
Complex Matrix of Solidified Water.

So you went to the galaxy called Glass Matrix. Did you find the Humble Ice station? How was it?


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Tough place to live.
Tough place to live.

Some of the species in this universe really live in interesting place.
Find me such a place where the base is set on a lava planet in the middle of inferno-type suns.

* Credits given: 15000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

Your gut-feeling tells you he is talking about Lavanite, a place you might have heard about somewhere in a bar at Earth Central.
Find that place and report back to Devanar.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Tough place to live.
Tough place to live.

This one is interesting, not sure how they really do that... but ah, well, you can't know everything I guess,
even when you are more then 10000 Pax years old.


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Deflection.

I have reports of a station in the middle of an apparently impenetrable field of drones.
I trust a person like you, Simon, would be able to look around and tell me if it's true.

* Credits given: 25000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

Find Deflector and be careful of the field of deflector drones. Devanar isn't asking you to risk your life to dock there... yet.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Deflection.

So it really exists? Did you see the station? We will want to find what's in it fairly soon.


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Where all crimes are forgotten.
Where all crimes are forgotten.

I've heard about a huge station with incredible weaponry. There is even a legend about a place where heinous crimes are forgotten.
Find such a place.

* Credits given: 25000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

You have no idea what he is talking about for the crime thing but he might be thinking about the
Absolution station you saw in a weaponry ad somewhere at Free Market.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Where all crimes are forgotten.
Where all crimes are forgotten.

Were your crimes absolved? Did you find peace?


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Microbes Amoureuses.
Microbes Amoureuses.

A colleague of mine, a Professor Damir, was telling me about these Microbes Amoureuses.
They are apparently used in a complex process for building deep space stations.
We need to find where we can grow them in this universe.

* Credits given: 30000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal
* Reward: Mythos Power

Are they talking about Biologique? You aren't sure but might be worth a look.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Microbes Amoureuses.
Microbes Amoureuses.

Is there a species harvesting them right now in there? We really need to get a trade agreement with them, then.
Again, thank you for the information.
Here is one of our engines from the now famous Power line but a smaller version that our scouts use. Take great care of it.


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Mysterious path.
Mysterious path.

There is a galaxy where many ship captains lose their lives.
There is a complicated series of warpgates that lead into deep space towards Paxis know's what.
Find that place but do not venture into this trap just yet.

* Credits given: 25000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal
* Reward: Pax Legacy

Find the mysterious Labyrinth and report back to Devanar.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Mysterious path.
Mysterious path.

So this place really does exist? We will have to go look further in sometime in the future.
Great job again, Simon, you are proving yourself to be a great explorer worthy of the Pax race!
To help you further in fulfilling our requests, take this Pax Legacy and use it well.
It will help protect you against the hazards of space.


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Those metal creatures.
Those metal creatures.

They come from another dimension, they dwell in this universe in a secret location.
They are the Copper, we need to find where they are and avoid them from now on.

* Credits given: 35000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

Find where the Copper are dwelling and report back to Devanar.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Those metal creatures.
Those metal creatures.

Ah! Simple then. Thanks for finding their hideout, Simon. We will now avoid that place at all costs.


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Another type of Deflector Drones.
Another type of Deflector Drones.

Similar to Deflector,
we have heard about another galaxy that includes a dangerous field of drones that locks your ship's engines at full thrust.
Try to find that place and report to us.

* Credits given: 30000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

Hmm, similar to Deflector, but not? More dangerous perhaps? What could Devanar mean?

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Another type of Deflector Drones.
Another type of Deflector Drones.

Ahh, so it was reflector. Is the drone field as dangerous as my initial sources are telling me they are?
In all cases, I'm glad you made it back.


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Savannah?

I'm not sure I know about this place. I think the name sounds like a plain, or a savannah? Can you find that information for me?

* Credits given: 35000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal
* Reward: Celestica's Mod

Find a galaxy that is similar to words like plains or savannah and report back to Devanar.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Savannah?

I'm glad you could find it. Here is your cash and Medal as per usual.
We also wish to reward you with some technology that our scientists have created. I hope you find it useful.


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Mysteries of the Universe.
Mysteries of the Universe.

There is a place, named with some of your letters, hmm, ABC maybe?
They try to answer some of the tough questions of life in there. Find where that galaxy is and report back here.

* Credits given: 30000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

ABC? Doesn't ring a bell. Maybe Devanar meant something else...

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Mysteries of the Universe.
Mysteries of the Universe.

Ah yeah, XYZ indeed.  ABC, same thing. So did you get answers for some of those questions of life and the rest?

Ruby Steppes

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Another Step?
Another Step?

The information you gave me about Steppes earlier hints that there is another galaxy similar to it.
It has the same structure but is related to a reddish substance your race finds so valuable.
Look for it and let me know of any of your findings.

* Credits given: 40000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

Look for another galaxy similar to Steppes.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Another Step?
Another Step?

I knew there was another one. Good job. Let's move even farther onward.


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Serpentis.

Rumors going around speak of another galaxy that could be interesting. The name is Serpentis or something like that.
Could you try to locate that place?

* Credits given: 35000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal
* Reward: Celestica Charger

Find a galaxy that sounds like serpentis.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Serpentis.

Glad you found it. Serpica, right? *takes notes of the place*.
Good job again, Simon, take this special Pax Charger and let's keep going, shall we?

Empathy Field

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Sympathy

There is a galaxy that defies the laws of physics. A place where engines fail to work. A place called Sympathy, perhaps?
Find me that place.

* Credits given: 50000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal
* Reward: Mythos Web

Find a place where your engine refuses to work called Sympathy (or something like that) and report back to Devanar.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Sympathy

So was this place as strange as it sounded? Did your engine really fail to work? Oh, scary indeed. Well, Simon, good work again.
We might have something more dangerous for you, but it might take a while before you are ready to undertake it.
Come back and check with us often. To help you further in your quest for plower and glory we present to you this Mythos Web,
a strong shield designed by our Paxian shield experts. I hope you like it.


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: 2 poles.
2 poles.

Have you heard about a galaxy with 2 distinct poles? Maybe there is a south pole and a north pole like on an planet?
Somehow I doubt this applies to a galaxy... but anyway, find me that place.

* Credits given: 40000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

Find a galaxy with 2 poles.

Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: 2 poles.
2 poles.

So it wasn't really a north pole and a south pole? Ah, you mean more like a negative and positive pole?
Now I get it. Great job again, Simon.


Location: Paxius Prime, Paxius

  • Agent: Devanar
  • Mission: Ludicrous?

Bad news, Simon, I have heard from a reliable source that the Mad Scientist, a well known criminal mind,
has built another crime organization in this universe. Some reports mention something about a Ludicrous place.
Find this place and report here. Do not engage him! He is very dangerous.

* Credits given: 45000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Medal

Find the Mad Scientist, galaxy might be something like Ludicrous.
Report to Devanar after you find any information.


Warp 4 Missions

Final Frontier

Location: Serenity, Paxius

  • Agent: Hailesh
  • Mission: Final Frontier
Final Frontier

I am Grand Navigator Hailesh and I am glad to see you.
I have a great task for you to accomplish and a great reward if you succeed. I need you to travel to the end of space,
the Final Frontier, and kill some of parasitic inhabitants you can find there. Bring me something from these creatures also.

* Credits given: 1000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Ancient Pax Emblem

Go to the Final Frontier and kill 3 Amoetroidizodal.
Also bring 10 Ancient Pax Medals,
1 Platinum Bar and some information that those parasites yeld about extraplanar compounds as evidence to Hailesh.