Uber Noob

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Revision as of 02:56, 10 February 2009 by Nabaco (talk | contribs)

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An Uber Noob is generally a high level player that creates a F2P alt, which he/she uses to grief low levels. Usually he/she will equip it with the best gear and augmenters. Seeing as high levels can think up brilliant combinations, due to experience, - also they can get gear/augmenters not normally available to low level players, an example of which is the Vazaha Prototype which costs in the range of 400 million credits, and is almost irretrievable by all but the most determined low level players. - their setups generally excel compare to the newer, potentially less experienced, players.

More rarely, it is a purely free-to-play player that has been around long enough to have accumulated credits and items enough to be on par with PTP alts. Few of these ever become noticeable, but one of the most memorable of any was Ryukishen, who had enough alts and experience to set up multiple tech 12 bases. She subsequently left when not only was her base killed, but the ability of F2P'ers to build tech 9+ bases was removed. However, Ryukishen had never actually griefed any low level players. There is also Nabaco, but nobody is really sure why Nabaco is considered an Uber Noob.

"Uber Noob" creation is counted as griefing and is highly frowned upon.