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Revision as of 18:05, 31 July 2009 by Cygnus (talk | contribs) (Belisarius)

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Just some average level 1100 or so noob....i dont like doing what others have done before much. I'll likely never use a t20 ship if i can help it.

Mah Shipzor progression!

Zebucart.pngVolcom.pngHotrod.pngHotrod Plus.pngHotrod.pngFaranji Wingship.pngBroken fwing.png

Never, Ever going to happen:

Death Striker.pngDeath Striker Plus.png

Why? Because Range is my favorite color.

Maybe, if i ever decide to go with the flow:



Was Seer, then zerker to level, then seer until i realized it was impossible, now its back to Zerker again. Having more fun than ever in mah Buccaneer's Cruisah!

Zebucart.pngVolcom.pngKasper.pngHotrod Plus.pngGhostship.pngCruiser.pngBasil.png