Space Clouds

Beta Client Update 266.83

* new ingame news system
* multiple small performance improvements for some low end hardware. (15% improvement in ideal scenario, 2-5% is more likely for most people)
* many client crash fixed
* rendering issue with the target ring fixed
* targetring will no long spin crazily when you are on top of your target.
* added the beta version indicator. If the current beta is identical to live client it will also be indicated.
* added support for livetest / test new server version (both in client code and assets).
* New context menu for the Possession tab of the Character dialog. (functional only on test/livetest)

If you do not have the beta client and wish to install it. It can be downloaded from The installation is separated from the live client, and it is recommended you keep the live client at hand reach, in case beta client update break it for you.

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