Star Sonata

Suggestion Index
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Author:  Precursor [ Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Suggestion Index

This index is to be used to categorically sort suggestions for ease of access to both the player base as well as the development team.

Index Format: Author - Title - Mini Description



Visorak - Ship Tab - Organize Ship List with GUI functions
Javatech - Experience Text - Floating Text for Experience on Kills
Biggee531 -Slave Orders: Efficiency - Revamp Slave ordering system for increased efficiency
a jedi master - Station Ship Tab Revamp - Gallery view of a player's ship list instead of only plain text
a jedi master - Skill Debt - Give option to display current skill debt remaining to the player.
BlackDragon - Direction of Selected Object - Make direction indicators more visible to a user.
Visorak - Lock Hotkey Bar - Allow a toggle to lock the bar to prevent the hotkeys from being modified.
Battlecruiser23 - Weapon Effect Icons - Essentially, show in the GUI what kind of effects are present on your ship and possibly squadmates.
thecrazygamemaster - Weather Systems - Add in atmospheric effects for planets based on their planet type and potential terraform.
Mail - Universal Time - Add in a GUI element for a universal clock that players can sync to plan events.
BlackDragon - Direction of Selected Object - Give a indicator of which direction the selected object is in relation to your position.
Bacchus - Visibility Change - Change the GUI element for Visibility into a more readable element.
syberian - Always render own ship on top - Check box (defaulted on)

Madridista - Incentive for Conflict - Varying ways to give more incentive to conflict based on factions.
basebot - Trade Interface - Implement a trading window for player to player trading.
ELITE - Auto Repair - Implement a slash command or other way to Auto Repair on dock.
Makka - Repair All - Implement a repair all button when you're docked at AI stations.
shawn_mccall - Start builds without Initial Materials - Allow the user to queue up builds to start without having materials on hand.
Zaehlas - Slave Formations - Add in various formations for slaves to fly in.

Cygnus - Change Thoraxes to Disks - Create a new 'disk' model & texture for use with Thorax weapons.
Goett - Personalized Ship Graphics - Add in various skins, decals that the user can change the look of their ship with.


Biggee531 - The Emperor's Way - A revamped structure to the Emp System
coffee - Zeus Thone
Goett - Give Juxtas unique names - Add in some random naming convention, perhaps code names for Juxtas.
Cpt Mawson - Taking the AI pillboxes to the next level - Wild AI stations and AI teams like player teams, extension to AI Outposts (BD)
seanla4350 - Mercury Missions - NB Oly gear for Hermes
Tomzta90 - Slenderman PSpace roamer

Madridista - The Star Sonata Newsletter - Newsletter to send out Developer Updates and featured community content
Bageese - Auto-Renew Email - Notify the user when their subscription is about to run out or is charged

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