Space Clouds

Weekly Dev Notes – 10th June


Awww yeah. We’re back!

What’d we miss?

Jeff’s been on holiday (explains the no meeting part, partially).

There’s been a few developer applications. We might have some new people in our team soon!

Steam has sent us feedback on our client. We’re fixing those issues, it’s some basic stuff (e-mail confirmation, creating an account, etc). I’m not going into detail on this, but we’ve had a long discussion on this.

So, who’s done what?


Jey did some client data gathering, mainly with BvB action (a LOAD of data to go through) to improve the client. This is to avoid lag, crashes and the sorts. Jey will post his own blog about this, since it’s a huge story!

Also, a few hiccups on the server have nbeen fixed. Backups were using too much bandwith.

Blue Dwarf

Blue Dwarf’s found a bug, special galaxies didn’t have a t19 blueprint limit in the Earthforce layer. It’s been fixed! (Yay or boo, depending on how you look at it.)


Some features on BvB were checked and not really working as intended, we’re looking into this. Nothing big, but worth looking at and improving, for you guys.


Ryan’s finished some webserver stuff, we need to patch to the live web server for the Steam Wallet. Also, Space Point Exchange’s been finished.

Team XP for killing bosses has been implemented, just needs to be patched in. Exciting!


I had a question from a player; Will armada drones be looked at? (Base drones)

Blue Dwarf will look at them. Some are indeed underpowered, and he’ll see what he can do about it.

This added a new idea for me… Player input into our weekly blog! I’ve made a link where you can put your questions, perhaps we’ll answer it in our next meeting/blog. Post your questions here!


That’s it for this week. See you next week, everyone!

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