Space Clouds

Weekly Dev Meeting – October 21st



Worked on the global event system, will make a blog explaining it more in details soon.

Blue Dwarf

Not much improvements to the item viewer for this week I’m afraid, starting to hit the first wave of coursework for this semester at university and I’ve been working on specifying how the back end would work so the script can be written. Then I can do everything else needed and not have to redo it.

Here’s another screenshot for kicks though, some minor improvements are visible from last week, noteably better titles and some styling of the table.


Lots of little fixes last week. I made it so that only wild space gals are counted for the universe “civilized” state, which we slipped live a couple days back. I also fixed the mining resists on the T9 and T12 AI base kits after it was pointed out to me that they were out of line. Early this week I finished up the changes to the station dialog to make it resizable, and had to fix a couple bugs in our UI code to make that happen. While I was at it I fixed up the Neuro training background to make it animate like it did in C1. I also just hit the button to get valve to review us again for steam so hopefully that happens soon (but it took roughly 3 months last time)!

Shiny images of the station dialog changes were posted earlier this week in the Development Notes forum

Player questions!

We didn’t do any, but I have a snazzy idea to make them better in the future.

Before that though, we need some more questions as we’re running low on the good ones! So please ask away.

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