Space Clouds

Weekly Dev Meeting – 27th April



Ryan has been fixing a few bugs some players revealed when using the Ship Upgrades on bots. He’s also been working on the new cargo slot system, it’s definitely taking shape but still requires a lot of work.


Jeff’s has been going through his childhood days of playing Star Sonata and has improved quite a few issues within the Nexus, whilst tidying some of the code making it easier for everyone else to work with.


Jey’s been making progress with his bug fix spree. Here is some of the fixes:

  • Player bases not updating their electrical drain if you unequipped a weapon while it’s charging.
  • PWI type items when failing was sending unnecessary information.
  • Fixed holoprojectors remaining after a transwarp.
  • Fixing the issue with ships being at an angle of 0.0 causing them to face the wrong direction.
  • Finally fixed the TSL not updating when the first time you dock.


Theodore has continued to be very busy juggling missions to become repeatable, expect these to appear within the next universe. Enjoy!


Pixel’s been very busy again! He’s added a variety of new tech 21-22 to the existing ruins! Here’s some appetizers: Mzungu Ethereal Transwarp, Bule Outbreak, Vazaha ENIAC Planet Scanner Sigma, Paxian Bloodstone and many more! This should make finding ruins in wildspace have more potential to be valuable instead of the existing few ruin types that are currently about. As a side note some people from the community helped with deciding and creating some of these items!

Other areas Pixel’s been busy with is the graphical department regarding to improving existing textures. Here’s an example of the serengeti blockade wormhole
Serengeti Blockade Wormhole

Steppes and Ruby Steppes will have their own individual galaxies as you progress through them from next universe, resulting in no more issues with bots! Did attempt to do this to Labyrinth but couldn’t get it to work properly (may have a solution in the future).

Just in-case this was missed in the patch notes, a series of base field generation blueprints will become available next universe within the Free Market and Sol towing stations. These are focused around improving the performance of trading bots.

Last addition is new purchasable station holoprojectors available via The Junkyard next universe. These are experimental to see what you think of them!

Blue Dwarf

I’ve not had much going on, coursework and exams! Yay. Our next bonus weekend is this weekend and I’ll be looking to setup the first version automatic event system to run the events from then on. More news will come closer to the time.

Also, Pixel has put together some very cool looking skins and holoprojectors for me to hand to people with outstanding competition prizes

Just a reminder on universe reset

Don’t forget the universe reset is the 7th May.

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