Space Clouds

Weekly Dev Blog – 27th July



For those working on translating the UrQa SunDog gave us last week, here’s another passage to translate:

“Okara QokujiQa Ooooqi! Kasa iiuqok qui ishi UrQ’oj, ishii urko…”
“P.S.S. Dawn’s Retribution urku Qi’uka, KoQuii banuii qua! KoQuii banuii kii suqqa sunqa qua ba.”
“Ishii niq, ib Qu’ishii qui uu’ko, ur-”

“Kak! Ishi qok urko, ish’kii. Ishi uka ko.”
“Qu’ishii kii UrQa suqqa. Ur’ Qu’ishii aku qua akuq Iq’ Bana.”
“Ur’ Qu’ishii urko? Ib kii ur.”


Pixel’s been hard at work again! He’s made some new base missile models, more Twisted content, content fixes and much more! Here’s a screenshot of an early render of the new tech 22 support freighter player obtainable ship.


New patch is in early preparation stage, should be more details on that next week. Got some new client optimisation in progress which could give a pretty good performance boost all around (new compiler and threads support).

Blue Dwarf

I’ve set the Emperor system messages to instead use the notification system instead of spamming players every 5 minutes, it won’t be in the next coming patch but should be in the one after it (I still need to test a few things to make sure it’s all working correctly).

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