Space Clouds

Weekly Dev Blog – 20th July


Blue Dwarf

A while ago Pixel made us some shiny new icons to use in our notification system (the server shutdown and alien invasion messages). I’ve added support to actually use these new icons and more things will be using the system soon!


I’ll be posting information on what I’m working on later this universe, in the meantime here’s what I’m working on in the UrQa language:

KusoQa urk’oq uka bakoqaa! Kak qa’quu Oj’qiiQa sunqa ib’ ba! Bakoqaaiii’uq vo uk’urku…
Uj’qii ak’oj vo suqqa urko UrqaQa! Uka Qa’ik! Koquii Qa’ik!
UrQa uj’Qa. UrQa uj’qii Qa’ik kii qiiQa. Vazuk ur kasa, koquii ur ib’. ib’ qok ur.
KusoQa qok urk’qiiQa’oq vazuk. Qokujiii kur KusoQa sunqa akuq’ojj!

If someone can actually translate that and message me I might reward you, depending on how well translated it is.


Pixel’s been adding even more drones to the Twisted Zone! Pixel has been hearing that people expected more than one boss so he will start making multiple bosses over time. Here’s a brief list of what’s been added:

  • Twisted Blaster & Twisted Blaster Disaster
  • TBFD 9000
  • Twisted Travel Field Projector
  • Upgrade blueprint for Death Striker & Death Striker+

If you wanna get involved join the SS community on Discord.

On a side note he hope you all enjoy the new base holoprojectors added to The Junkyard and the ever watchful Dragon’s Eye in Fortress galaxy!


Ryan is still working on some behind the scenes stuff for our new ingame store.

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