Space Clouds

Weekly Dev Blog – 1st June



Has finished up the server side code for the cargo slot system detailed here. There is still work that needs to be done in the client-side UI, but it shouldn’t be long until it is ingame. He has worked on some tweaks to the Industrial Commodities such as how the ai bases consume the commodities as well as some other changes discussed in the feedback thread. Expect a blog post that details the changes before the end of the week. He also did a minor code tweak for Pixel so that he could fix the issue where the Singularity Brake would warp you outside the docking radius of the base that you warped to.


MaxWhynd has been making /loads/ of cool sounds!


Pixel’s been busy working on permanent drones. Now they work with astral injection like they did before! Additionally the Armada permanent drone series has received some neat visual improvements and some special assortments of weapons and fighters. Here’s the list of the improvements:

  • Armada Ambro drone has 2 mini rhino fighters it can launch.
  • Armada Ambush has holoprojector of duplicates.
  • Armada Bastion now has a superitem weapon.
  • Armada Defender now has a point defence superitem and Armada spitter superitem.

Forum topic to give any feedback about the changes:

Pixel has also been improving our suns!
New sun
Another one

Lastly, just a friendly word of warning; base holoprojectors may not be obtainable from Junkyard in the future, but some more have been added!


Patch is being prepared. Should be in a few weeks. There’s no rush for it so a proper announcement with livetesting will be done on blog in a few days.

I am currently working/testing on a system to get rid of the server wide lag when there is a single galaxy under heavy load (large bvb for instance). The galaxy where the action occur will still lag, but the rest of the server will not be impacted nearly as much.


Jeff has been working on making Wormholes do fancy graphical things when they lock and unlock and cleaning up some of our old code.

Blue Dwarf

I’ve done my last exam of the year! o/
I’ve removed the restriction that players can only have one Outpost per character, fixed an issue causing low mod rates with ruin items, I’ll also be setting the parameter on live to allow squads larger than 10 players (for now it’s at 15).

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