Space Clouds

The future of team skills

The Problem

As many of you are aware, we have a problem currently with team skills. There are a small number of them (namely Roster and Galactic Control) that are absolutely essential for teams to function beyond a certain size while the rest of the skills are mostly ignored. This also creates additional difficulties for new teams as they don’t have the required skills. After several discussions we have a couple possible solutions, and we’d like to see what everyone would prefer.

Solution 1

Team Skills reset every uni and the acquisition rate is increased significantly. Skills like roster and galactic control would not fit under this system and would be removed. Other skills would be beefed to have pretty sizable effects by the end of the uni. This would eliminate permanent team progression, which could be seen as both good or bad.

Solution 2

Team Skills stay in their current form, but are re-balanced to all be “nice perks” with skills such as roster and galactic control being removed/nerfed. New teams would have accelerated XP gain for the first several levels, so that they can get some meaningful perks faster.

Other changes

Team Skills Resets

If we go with solution 2, we will add the ability for teams to reset their skills for a cost. This should allow teams to experiment with their skills without feeling locked in permanently. The cost would scale based off of how long it has been since the team last reset their skills.

Alternate Team XP sources

We’ll be adding new sources of active team XP aside from just the passive xp gain from score. The primary of these will be boss kills with teammates. Teams will be able to get roughly equivalent XP through this system as a current top 5 team gets passively through score (as a max) and will be the primary method for new teams to get their XP.


We’d love to hear your opinions on these two directions we could take team skills! We have a poll setup here that we’d like you to fill out to get a rough feeling for how everyone feels about where we head from here.

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