Space Clouds

Jey’s quickfixing session 15/07/2014

We all know there are a lot of little things that are somewhat easy to fix, but end up forgotten in the system or ignored, so I decided I’ll try to start something.

Every 2 weeks I’ll start a new quickfixing session. Those session are essentially a period where you can shout out any and all small bugs or missing features that annoy you in the discussion bellow. On Tuesday I’ll go through the forum and fix as many of the issues listed as I can in the day.

Its at my own discretion as to which bugs or features I’ll do on that day, based mostly on if its possible to do it in the day and how many people are affected/want it fixed ASAP.

For bug request, if the bug can be described precisely including a way to reproduce it in 2 lines, then just posting about it in the topic is fine. Otherwise a short description and a link to a bug topic is preferred.

Similarly for feature request, if it can be described precisely in 2 lines, then just write it in the topic, otherwise a short description and a link to a suggestion is preferred

Only code related bug/features will be considered for now, since I do not do content. But if the concept become popular, who knows maybe a content dev will do the same !

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