Space Clouds

Calypso Update 8.18.14

This week’s update will get everyone up to speed on exactly what I’ve been working on since I’ve returned from vacation. It includes some new tweak types, some bug fixing and a few other changes I’ve been working on as part of the planned base rebalance! Keep reading to find out more!


Firstly, a short announcement — with the new patch I’ve been able to push Mira live! Hopefully players are enjoying the new content!

Second up I’ve worked on three new aura types for Field Generators and Neurotweaks. The first of these is a new aura type for Projectile Speed. Next I worked on a Transference Power aura type and finally, a Transference Efficiency aura type. These three aura types were requested by ycleption as part of his base rebalance. Since we’re continuing our decoupling of combat skills from trade skills (and some unintended bonuses stations get from class skills are going away) his goal is to have a line of station-only, class locked super items to aid in galaxy defense. These new aura types will more than likely be used there. They function pretty much as expected. Projectile Speed increases the maximum speed any projectile based weapon travels. Transference Power increases the transference damage done and Transference Efficiency decreases damage taken from outgoing heals.


On the subject of decoupling — a lot of unintended bonuses stations were getting from class skills is being removed. Seer will no longer benefit station radars, Engineer will no longer get bonuses to station tweaking and neuro tweaking on their stations and Snipers will no longer give bases projectile speed bonuses.

Thirdly, the project that took up most of the time I spent working last week — outpost drones. These are another item planned to go in with the base rebalance and again were proposed by ycleption. These are temporary drones with a 24 hour lifespan that function almost identically to outposts. The main differentiation between their functionality and an outpost is that you must have at least one team owned station in the galaxy in order to own it. You can’t only have the drone. They’ll be decently geared, they also won’t count against the number of outposts your team can own but they will be rather pricey. The goal for these is to give players a way to BvB galaxies that aren’t on team borders — but have unowned territory nearby.


Finally, I did a fair amount of bug fixing! Jey patched while I was away on vacation and some of the new features coming in didn’t work entirely as intended and needed some fixing. Chief among these were a few issues with transwarps and the ship statistics window. First, with the new patch some refactored code for the Transwarp devices went live — unfortunately it also contained a bug with Fleet Commander transwarps. They were ignoring the distance requirements for taking along your friends. This was fixed, but that introduced another bug preventing transwarp usage entirely. This has also been fixed! As for the issue with the ship stats window — the resistance table wasn’t properly updating when players equipped and unequipped diffusers. This made it a bit taxing to see just how effective your diffusers are at blocking incoming damage. This has also been remedied.

That’s it for this week’s update. I’ll be back again next week with another update! Until then, feel free to post questions, comments and suggestions in the forums!

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